Parque Biológico de Vila Nova de Gaia

Zoos and Aquariums
Discover how the region used to be, the lifestyles of former populations, and marvel at the animal and plant life in the Park!
Located in an agro-forestry area in the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, the Park houses hundreds of species in their natural habitat. The 35 ha park is located in the valley of the River Febros, that flows into the left bank of the River Douro, and whose riverbanks still include old rural houses, watermills and sluices.
The main objective of the Park is to foster understanding of the regional landscape, including its various components (animal and plant life, climate, rural architecture, uses and customs, hydrographic characteristics, etc.), and the contrast between this agro-forestry landscape and the urban surroundings.
The park also includes a recovery centre for wild animals, that have been wounded or illegally held in captivity, and a nursery that produces thousands of plants each year, from over 300 species, intended for the park itself and the public green spaces of the municipality of Gaia.
In order to discover the many attractions on offer, visitors should begin their trip in the visitor reception centre, where they will have the chance to learn about the vast range of activities dedicated to environmental education and receive information on the trails that will enable them to discover the park, complemented by safaris in the park with a guided or non-guided visit. Visitors can also see the permanent exhibition concerning the Biological Park.

4430-757 Avintes (Vila Nova de Gaia)
Winter: 10am - 5pm;
Summer: 10am - 6pm (days of the week); 10am - 7pm (weekends).
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- Shop
- Bar/Café
- Toilets
- Patio
- Auditorium
- Information panels
- Key
- Interative and audiovisual presentations