abc Travel

Tours and Other Tourism Services
abc Travel is an agency that focuses on contact with your customers to get to know Portugal in a friendly manner, with quality and timely.
We do tourist circuits throughout Portugal.
In ABC Travel tours have already formatted but we tailored programs.
We also offer the possibility to ride a sailboat to watch Dolphins, make parachute jumps, horse riding, train rides, gastronomic tours and wine tourism, air balloon rides, as well as all kinds of destinations and circuits in prompted.
We still do walking tours, bicycle tours and scooter tours.

2720-109 Damaia / Amadora
Shuttle of cyclists and their own bicicles in a trailer
Clean&Safe – The Clean&Safe stam confirms that the hotel or other tourism establishment is compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of Covid-19 as recommended by the DGS - Directorate-General for Health. More information at (link para