Centro de Recuperação do Lobo Ibérico

Protected Areas
The Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre (IWRC) was created in 1987 by Grupo Lobo – an independent, non-profit association –, which has as main objectives to provide the best captive conditions for wolves that cannot live in the wild: victims of trapping, abuse and illegal captivity or those coming from other zoos or parks.
The IWRC occupies an area of 17 acres, in Picão (Mafra), about 30 km north from the Portuguese capital. Its spacious enclosures allow the wolves to have the best natural conditions possible, in large areas containing a wide variety of vegetation and landscape features.
The Centre has already welcomed more than 100,000 visitors from around the world. Here, an ongoing volunteer program gives those, over the age of 18, an opportunity to do something about wildlife conservation. It also has an adoption program that enables people to adopt one or more wolves, helping to keep them in suitable conditions that mimic their environment in the wild.
For more information please contact our website http://www.grupolobo.pt or grupolobo@grupolobo.pt

Quinta da Murta - Picão
2665-150 Gradil (Mafra)
Tel.: +351 261 785 037 /917 532 312
Fax: +351 261 788 047
Open: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Winter (October to April) - open from 2:30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
First tour - 3 p.m.; Second tour- 4:30 p.m.
Summer (May to September) - open from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
First tour - 4.00 p.m.; Second tour - 6.00 p.m.
(Each tour lasts for about one-and-a-half hours)
PLEASE NOTE: Observation of the animals is more difficult on hot days.