
29 Nov 17 | World Golf Awards 2017
Portugal, the Best Golf Destination in the World
For the fourth consecutive year, Portugal was considered the World’s and Europe’s Best Golf Destination at the World Golf Awards. In the fourth edition of the World Awards dedicated to golf, at a ceremony held in Murcia, Spain, Portugal was again distinguished as the best country in which to play golf. These awards, which celebrate and distinguish excellence in golf tourism, are the result of votes cast by professionals in the golf industry (...)

08 Nov 17 | UNESCO Creative Cities Netwotk
Amarante, Barcelos and Braga join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network
Among the 64 cities that were recently included on the list of UNESCO Creative Cities there are three new Portuguese cities: Barcelos, Braga and Amarante. Barcelos is the first Portuguese city in the category of Crafts and Folk Art, which continues the effort that has been made to develop and appreciate the local material and immaterial heritage. The city is a reference in crafts where good practices, the strengthening of techniques and know-how (...)

18 Oct 17 | WTA 2017
Portugal - Europe’s Leading Tourism Destination at the World Travel Awards
Portugal won the award for Europe’s Leading Tourism Destination at the World Travel Awards, the most prestigious tourism awards, during a ceremony held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The fact that Portugal won this award for the first time is evidence of the progress Portugal has made in terms of visibility and prestige as a quality destination. Only during 2017 Portugal received more than 2,300 prizes and distinctions. The diversity of landscapes, (...)

03 May 17 | Museums Day 2017
International Museum Day 2017
On the 18th and 20th of May Portugal will be joining in the commemorations for International Museum Day and Museums at Night, along with many other countries around the world. The theme chosen for this year is “Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums”. As usual it invites us to think about the role of museums in local communities and society in general. Are museums places that harbour controversial stories? Will (...)

04 Apr 17 | Dia Internacional dos Monumentos e Sítios
Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism on the International Day for Monuments and Sites 2017
The 18th of April will see the celebration of another International Day for Monuments and Sites promoted by ICOMOS. This year the theme is “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism”, which has inspired a diverse programme of activities involving historic monuments and sites around the country. Aimed at very different audiences - children, young people, adults, people with special needs, families and groups - visitors will be able to enjoy (...)

19 Dec 16 | Parques de Sintra
Parques de Sintra is the “World’s Leading Conservation Company”
The company Parques de Sintra won the World Travel Award for the fourth consecutive time in the category of "World's Leading Conservation Company" at an official ceremony held in the Maldives in December. Parques de Sintra has once again been the only European nominee in this category amongst competitors from around the world. This distinction, which results from a vote cast by the general public and by tourism professionals, joins other (...)