Embassies and Delegations
Number of results: 39
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - France
Telephone: +331 47 27 35 29
Fax: +331 44 05 94 02
E-mail: mailto@embaixada-portugal-fr.org
Website: http://www.embaixada-portugal-fr.org
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Germany
Telephone: +49 30 590 06 35 00
E-mail: berlim@mne.pt
Website: https://www.berlim.embaixadaportugal.mne.pt/pt/
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Greece
Telephone: +30 210 7290096 / 7290061 / 7257505
Fax: +30 210 7245122 / 7290955
E-mail: embportg@otenet.gr
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Hungary
Telephone: 36-1-2017617 / 8
Fax: 36-1-2017619
E-mail: embport@axelero.hu
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Ireland
Telephone: + 353 289 4416/289 3375
Fax: +353 1 289 2849
E-mail: embpor@dublin.dgaccp.pt;sconsular@dublin.dgaccp.pt
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Italy
Telephone: +39 06 84 48 01/ 8
Fax: +39 06 841 74 04
E-mail: embportroma@embportroma.it
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Japan
Telephone: +813 52127322 - +813 54744404 - +813 5226 0611
Fax: +81 3 5226 0616
E-mail: tokyo.delegation@Portugal.or.jp
Website: http://www.embaixadadeportugal.jp
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Korea, South
Telephone: +822 747 2290
Fax: +822 747 2292
E-mail: embport@chollian.net
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Luxembourg
Telephone: +352 453 347 1
Fax: +352 465 169
E-mail: marcar.luxemburgo@mne.pt
Embassies and DelegationsEmbaixada de Portugal - Morocco
Telephone: +212 37 756 446 / 7 / 8 / 5 / 50
Fax: +212 37 756 445
E-mail: ambassade.portugal@menara.ma