The Urban Sketchers in the Azores

Jenny Adam, from Germany, went to discover the Azores along with Alexandra Baptista and together they sketched the delights of the Terceira, São Miguel and Pico Islands. The natural beauty, the most remarkable landmarks and the hospitality of the people are clear to see in the drawings of these two sketchers.
The journey started on São Miguel, the largest island of the archipelago, where over half the population of the Azores live. The beauty of Lagoas das Sete Cidades and Fogo impresses, as does feeling the power of the ground in the geysers, hot springs and volcanic lakes. They bathed in the warm waters of Caldeira Velha and learned that the island is the only place in Europe where tea is grown. They made the short boat trip to the unmissable Ilhéu de Vila Franca do Campo and had time in Ponta Delgada to sketch the Mercado da Graça market place and Portas do Mar.
Lagoa do Fogo © Jenny Adam
Caldeira Velha © Alexandra Baptista
Parque Terra Nostra © Jenny Adam
Ilhéu de Vila Franca do Campo © Alexandra Baptista
Ponta Delgada © Jenny Adam
Mercado da Graça © Alexandra Baptista
Further south in the island group, in the three days they were on Pico, they took advantage of some moments to draw quietly. On the island where the highest mountain in Portugal is located, they toured the lakes, visited the Museu dos Baleeiros (Whalers’ Museum), the Museu do Vinho (Wine Museum) and strolled around the Vineyards, small plots separated by basalt walls, a unique landscape classified as World Heritage.
Ilha do Pico © Jenny Adam
Museu dos Baleeiros © Jenny Adam
Rota da Faina Baleeira © Alexandra Baptista
Vinha da Ilha do Pico © Jenny Adam
Vinha da Ilha do Pico © Alexandra Baptista
The day they dedicated to Terceira Island was very well spent on a series of activities that unveiled the authenticity of the Azores. They visited the world heritage city of Angra do Heroísmo on foot, discovered some traditional shops, tried some culinary delicacies and, at night, they went to the Festas Sanjoaninas (Sanjoaninas Festival, in honour of St John).
On a tour of the island they passed through the little town of Biscoitos on the coast, where verdelho wine is produced. They also had the opportunity to make the descent into the Algar do Carvão (Cavern of Natural Coal), a depth of nearly 100 metres. It is an amazing natural monument where, inside, you can see stalactites, stalagmites and a lake.
Angra do Heroísmo © Alexandra Baptista
Loja em Angra do Heroísmo © Alexandra Baptista
Festas Sanjoaninas © Jenny Adam
Biscoitos © Jenny Adam
Algar do Carvão © Jenny Adam
And they even had time to try the local culinary specialities of the Azores.
Delícias dos Açores © Alexandra Baptista
Madalena, Ilha do Pico © Alexandra Baptista
São Roque do Pico, Ilha do Pico © Alexandra Baptista