Festas Gualterianas

Festas Gualterianas
Featured Event
If you visit Guimarães during the first weekend in August, you will be able to enjoy the Festas Gualterianas, which have brought great life and entertainment to this city for more than a century.
The high point of the celebrations is the procession held in honour of São Gualter (St. Walter). This takes place on the Sunday, but the vast programme of entertainment includes more than enough activities to appeal to everyone. There is also a historical parade, a battle fought with flowers, bullfighting, fireworks and lots of live music.
The high point of the celebrations is the procession held in honour of São Gualter (St. Walter). This takes place on the Sunday, but the vast programme of entertainment includes more than enough activities to appeal to everyone. There is also a historical parade, a battle fought with flowers, bullfighting, fireworks and lots of live music.
Date to be announced.