
Navio Hospital Gil Eannes

Navio-Hospital Gil Eannes
Place: Viana do Castelo
Photo: Câmara Municipal de Viana do Castelo
Navio Hospital Gil Eannes

Museums and Palaces

Navio Hospital Gil Eannes (Gil EannesHospital Ship)

The Gil Eannes Hospital Ship, built in Viana do Castelo in 1955, for decades supported the Portuguese cod fishing fleet that operated on the banks of Newfoundland and Greenland.

It has been converted into a Museological Unit and Sea Centre, giving its visitors a truly remarkable experience. Today it is a focal visitor attraction in Viana do Castelo.


Doca Comercial
4900-405 Viana do Castelo
+351 258 809 710
+351 258 809 719

Guided Tours
Reserved parking spaces
Accessible areas/services:
  • Auditorium
Accessible information:
  • Information panels
  • Interative and audiovisual presentations
  • Items for tactile exploration

Book in advance for a guided tour.

É necessário seleccionar um ponto de partida.

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